Handmade Guitar by Marlo and Erich Sagers
Building a guitar with my dad is something I have always wanted to do and now is finally the time.
After each work day, I will post pictures and details of each step of the building process. Also, all the pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.
Day 1 - Top and Back
Day 2 - Back Bracing
Day 3 - Top - Rosette
Day 4 - Top Bracing
Day 5 - Neck
Day 6 - Neck continued - foot
Day 7 - Neck continued - heel
Day 8 - Neck continued - head
Day 9 - Neck continued - head
Day 10 - Sides
Day 11 - Sides and Linings
Day 12 - Sides continued
Day 13 - Sides and Top
Day 14 - Butt Joint Inlay and Bridge Brace
Day 15 - Gluing top to sides
Day 16 - Trimming Top, Linings, Profile Back Braces
Day 17 - Sound ports and back
Day 18 - Trim Back and Binding and Purfling
Day 19 - Binding and Purfling (Top)
Day 20 - Binding and Purfling (Back)
Day 21 - Binding finish and heel cap
Day 22 - Heel cap shaping and fret board
Day 23 - Fret board - fretting
Day 24 - Fretting continued and bridge
Day 25 - Bridge continued
Day 26 - Bridge continued and shaping of the neck
Day 27 - Neck shaping continued
Day 28 - Fret dots, rounding binding, starting finishing process
Day 29 - Shellac undercoat
Day 30-31 - Lacquer 1st-5th coats
Day 32-34 - Lacquer 6th-8th coats - wet sanding
Day 35 - Final Polish
Day 36 - Fixing the finish on the back and tuners
Day 37 - Gluing Bridge and fret board finish
Day 38 - Nut continued
Day 39 - Saddle and final nut placement, strings - DONE!